Troubleshooting Citrix Receiver and ScrewDrivers - Locate Connection Center - Password CHG and EXP
1. Basic Troubleshooting Citrix Receiver and ScrewDrivers Uninstall\Application Launch Issues.
- Uninstall Citrix Receiver and Screwdrivers from Programs and Features.
- Open File Explorer and delete any folders that say Citrix or Tricerat or ICA Client from the following locations:
32bit machine – c:\Program Files\
c:\Users\Username\appdata\Local (This is a hidden folder that you must view Hidden Files and Folders to see.)
c:\Users\Username\appdata\Roaming (This is a hidden folder that you must view Hidden Files and Folders to see.)
64bit machine – c:\Program Files\
c:\Program Files (X86)\
c:\ProgramData\ (This is a hidden folder that you must view Hidden Files and Folders to see.)
c:\Users\Username\appdata\Local (This is a hidden folder that you must view Hidden Files and Folders to see.)
c:\Users\Username\appdata\Roaming (This is a hidden folder that you must view Hidden Files and Folders to see.)
Open Regedit and delete any Keys that say Citrix or Tricerat from the following locations:
HKEY_Current_User\Software\Wow6432Node if 64bit OS
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node if 64bit OS
Make sure the User Account Control setting is set to “Never notify”.
Reboot the machine
Follow the installation instructions outlined here.
2. Citrix Receiver Connection Center Location
Right click the Citrix Receiver icon (Black circle containing white curved lines) and select "Connection Center".

Click Connection Center and from this window you will be able to view the Citrix Server name you are logged into.
You can also select the Preferences to make sure the File Access settings are set to Read and Write.
The Read and Write settings allow files to be downloaded from the Citrix applications to your local machine.

3. Password Change and Account Self Service
Users can manage their account and their password anytime by browsing to